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In Ontario, vulnerability to HIV transmission is linked to the social determinants of health and individual lived experience.

Our Education & Outreach programs aim to reduce HIV transmission among at-risk members of priority populations by focusing on the following goals:

  • Enhance the capacity of local service providers and relevant stakeholders to address HIV risk.

  • Help create safe environments to support persons with lived experience and their HIV-related needs.

  • Promote greater and meaningful involvement of people with lived experience in the response to HIV.

Our Priority Populations



  • Online Outreach using dating sites and hookup apps most frequented by 2-Spirit, gay, bisexual, trans, & queer individuals, and other guys (2SLGBTQ+). Staff are available to answer sexual health questions, encourage regular HIV and other STBBI testing, and make referrals to local health and community services.
  • Social Nights geared towards 2SLGBTQ+ by providing an opportunity for them to meet. Activities are fluid and suggestions are always welcomed.
  • Information booth at local events to provide one-on-one education, distribute sexual health information and supplies.

ACB (African, Caribbean, Black)

  • Sister Circle in collaboration with the WHAI Program engages ACB women in discussions surrounding mental, physical and emotional health disparities and helps link them to culturally competent care.
  • Engage community members in discussions surrounding HIV testing and distribute testing information to ACB retailers/business and locations known to be accessed by ACB community members.
  • Outreach to Caribbean migrant workers in Leamington through site visits, community events and resource distribution at local establishments.

(Women & HIV)

  • Education to service providers working with women at risk of HIV, substance use and or facing systemic barriers and health disparities when accessing local health and social services.
  • Collaborate with Windsor-Essex community agencies and the ACB program to cultivate supportive and safe spaces for women to gather and discuss topics surrounding HIV, stigma, mental health, sexual health and to help women better advocate for their overall health needs.
  • Outreach to ensure women have access to sexual health education and supplies including  condoms, lube and feminine hygiene products.

Click the links for information about our education options or to request a presentation.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our priority population programs email

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